Monday, March 16, 2009

Linux 2.4 to 2.6 Transition Guide

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Linux 2.4 to 2.6 Transition Guide

Linux and IBM
Why moe to SLES or RHEL?
Why is there a new kernel?
Can I install Linux without exploiting the new features?
New features of the Linux kernel
New common kernel code features
support for the Linux kernel
New functionality in Linux on -specific deice driers and tools
functions aailable in distributions
Benefits of features for and S/ systems Scalability enhancements
Swapping subsystem Chapter
Transition options and tasks Transition options
Upgrade using distribution tools
Install Linux without using distribution tools
Install Linux on a separate system and migrate your files
Prepare for transition
Transition your SUSE LINUX system
Transition your Red Hat Linux system
Chapter Your system after transition
Deice naming and interface access
File system changes
Bus IDs
ude tool
General differences
Using ssh
Red Hat and SUSE LINUX
Using the ?swappiness? setting

Chapter Linux and M
Adding a new deice dynamically in a M enironment
Enhancements that can benefit running Linux on M

Chapter Linux on deice drier changes for Linux
Console deice drier
New features for
Console interface changes
Performing basic tasks with the Linux Kernel
Console deice selection
Enabling login on a TTY
QETH deice drier
New features for
QETH interface changes
Performing basic tasks with the Linux kernel Adding a proxy ARP entry
Remoing a proxy ARP entry Deactiating a qeth deice
Remoing a qeth deice
Inter-User Communication ehicle (IUC) deice drier
New features for
IUC interface changes
Performing basic tasks with the Linux kernel
DASD deice drier
New features for
DASD interface changes
Performing basic tasks with the Linux
kernel Channel attached tape drier
New features for
Tape interface changes
Performing basic tasks with the Linux kernel
zfcp deice drier
New features for
zfcp interface changes
Performing basic tasks with the Linux kernel
z/M Discontiguous Saed Segments (DCSS) deice drier
New features for
DCSS interface changes
Performing basic tasks with the Linux kernel
i Linux:


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